About Us
Enticing Tables is the collaboration of partners Valerie McCartney and Joe McKinney.
Valerie McCartney (and Roxie the Redbone Coonhound)
With a background in marketing and franchise development, Valerie has held senior level positions at PepsiCo, El Pollo Loco, Johnny Rockets and a few other large foodservice companies. The skills acquired there prove useful on a daily basis as she continues to build the Enticing Tables portfolio and brand name. In addition to managing the day-to-day operations and client service, Valerie creates most of the company’s signature designs.
Joe McKinney
As an aerospace welder with over twenty years of experience, Joe has welded parts on a variety of commercial and military aircraft as well as virtually every space craft dating back to 1985. His experience with a variety of metals and extreme attention to detail make him a natural fit for Enticing Tables.
People often ask us how we came up with the original idea for Enticing Tables. Well, here’s our story!
We had been dating for about nine months and happened to be watching a wedding show on TV. Everything about the wedding was beautiful, lavish and extremely cool…except for the candelabras…which came straight out of 1972. Remembering those same white candelabras from each of my five older siblings’ weddings, I laughed and told Joe that somebody needed to design something modern. He agreed but told me that his skills were limited to things that go up in space. For fun, I drew a rough sketch on a napkin and later that week, we made this prototype. Since then…well let’s just say we’ve gone through plenty of napkins.